The Golden Leopard by Lynn Kerstan
The main characters being tedious, whining ninnies makes this potentially intriguing story ordinary and forgettable.

The main characters being tedious, whining ninnies makes this potentially intriguing story ordinary and forgettable.
The inconsistent tone of the story can give me whiplash. Shame; for the most part it has been fun.
A one-off thorough spoiler-packed review from page one to the last! Behold, the excruciating agony!
This is a campy-fun ridiculous read… but the author doesn’t seem to know that at all.
With all my… what word rhymes with “heart”?
This must be one of those books that people claim to love because they want to appear smart.
Are those… Mario and Luigi?
This is a cozy read that is familiar, pleasant, but somewhat unremarkable.
All that childish fighting! Is it because the author refuses to let them have sex all day?