Winds of the Storm by Beverly Jenkins
The whole premise ends up being too big for the story, so this one feels like a missed opportunity.
The whole premise ends up being too big for the story, so this one feels like a missed opportunity.
This is naked idiocy. And the children are terrifying.
Well, it’s better than the previous book, for what that’s worth!
A previously interesting lady gets her story… and promptly becomes stuck with a bloke who is not even close to being in her league.
It’s scandalous how predictable things can be in this story.
My goodness, her first published book and she’s already wasting no time telling everyone how good women should behave.
Whine, whine, whine, whine, whine…
This one isn’t interesting and it doesn’t make sense half the time.
I think the heroine needs some meds for her weirdly inconsistent mood swings and behavior.
The hero and the heroine are fine… but oh, the villains steal the show completely.