The Deepest Edge by Jessica Hall
Hello, I am hot Chinese woman, and I will suck you long long time, yes?
Hello, I am hot Chinese woman, and I will suck you long long time, yes?
This is a pretty interesting cozy mystery…. marketed as a romance. Why? It’s a mystery, haw haw.
For a historical mystery story, the romance is the most memorable aspect of it.
There’s danger! A psycho on the prowl! But hey, who cares, let’s just mope and whine!
It’s a fun and crazy spoof with an adorable villain (ahem), but shame about the boggy last third or so.
Same old song and dance – bring on the gimmicks and idiot heroines!
The heroine is a moron. Case closed.
Mommy, the agents are still bickering! Make them stop!
Meet the dumbest secret agent ever. Yes, she’s the heroine. How did you guess?
Hackneyed, predictable, and as bonus, the hero is scum and the heroine is hopelessly weak.