Agent Provocateur by Nathalie Gray
Short, quick, and down low dirty – this is another hot stuff from the author who knows her thing.

Short, quick, and down low dirty – this is another hot stuff from the author who knows her thing.
Some good, some not so good. The whole idea of Sleeping Beauty being an ogre-slayer isn’t as hot as it could have been.
Our brave good guys are stuck in a WTF plot, oh no.
Boring same old vampire emo alpha blah blah blah.
Interesting story, botched execution.
Ramming into a woman’s car is the fastest way to her bedroom and heart,
The momentum doesn’t hold and the payoff is quite a letdown.
The main characters can be so tiresome so often. Especially the hero! Go choke on some antidepressants!
The author is on a roll and the happy ball just keeps rolling.
This is like a right-wing version of Laurell K Hamilton’s books. Ghastly.