Sea of Sorrows by Ree Soesbee
It’s better than the story in the game!
It’s better than the story in the game!
The heroine is so special, she gets the entire story to twist and bend over to emphasize her special snowflake status.
This is packaged as an action-packed thing, but it’s more of a meandering gazing adventure into Cthulhu’s navel.
Will you get frostbite if you sleep with a winter or ice woo-woo critter? I do wonder.
There is magic here, but the magic doesn’t really feel alive.
Keep expectations to a minimum when it comes to this one.
I love it! Well, I kinda dislike it too, but… oh, my head.
Yes, another golden entry into this author’s impressive book list.
Set in Malaya back in the old days, ooh. Chinese paranormal stuff, nice. Idiot heroine with no discernible personality… wait a minute.
Some interesting stuff here, but the execution is a meandering mess that is more juvenile than anything else.