Lightning Strikes by CJ Vincent
How many times can I cringe hard while reading a story? Sadly, I’m about to find out…
How many times can I cringe hard while reading a story? Sadly, I’m about to find out…
It’s not all dead weight, thankfully.
Intriguing premise, completely botched execution.
The hottest thing here is the hero drooling over another man’s pee-pee. Wait, what?
Uh… so I guess a new superhero is born?
The cover has me thinking John Wick, but it’s more of a lame di… er, duck.
A Case of You, the high school musical version.
Respect women for their brains… but first, the heroine needs to show off her cleavage to the hero.
I take it very personally that Professor Lidenbrock didn’t meet a painful end.
How odd, as the story of the hero’s heartbreak is more memorable than his happy ending journey.