Dark Sentinel by Melissa Lopez
The heroine is even creepier than Satan, believe it or not.
The heroine is even creepier than Satan, believe it or not.
While the romance isn’t the most believable, this one is just too cute for words.
A zombie diva as the protagonist of an urban fantasy series? Sold!
If only it had been longer…
Second time trip to Anfall is a bit more interesting, but still leaves some things to be desired.
Wait, the series is still ongoing? Alright then.
Boy meets cheetah, cheetah becomes girl, boy boinks girl…
Hold on tight, you know she’s a little bit dangerous…
Trust issues, evil daddies… nothing matters because mate-mate-mate trumps everything.
Kick-ass heroine discovers the joy of sitting in the sidelines and twaddling her thumbs. Oh, joy.