Her Bucking Bronc by Beth Williamson
There’s a romance here? How did that happen again?
There’s a romance here? How did that happen again?
Transsexuality, asexuality, bisexuality, instant love, instant lust, unicorn-kin,TUMBLR FOREVER AND SCREW YOU CIS-HET PIGS!
This is a checklist romance – it’s all about ennobling the snowflakes to nauseating degrees.
Nothing wrong with the story, but so many things wrong with the execution.
Baby daddy comes back, family issues, fat chick gone hot, old biddies… it could only be a small town romance.
One solid, if rather unremarkable read, and one pretty badly-done one. Tonight, I should have read something else perhaps.
This one is possessed alright, but by horrifying levels of crappiness rather than passion.
I really want to like this one more, but I don’t buy the hero’s affections for the heroine.
Normally I wouldn’t find this book that good, but it’s been a dry spell so far, so what the heck.
Well, it’s almost tender enough to put me to sleep.