Unconditionally Mine by Nadine Gonzalez
This is one of those books that have no reason to be; it’s just there, I guess, to make sure that there aren’t too many trees growing out there.
This is one of those books that have no reason to be; it’s just there, I guess, to make sure that there aren’t too many trees growing out there.
If you have ever wanted to learn all the brands favored by billionaire bachelors, here’s your chance!
Nepotism and elitism served on a platter of Daddy’s money. Diagnosis: 300% not woke.
Where can I find all these generous bosses that let their employees use these bosses’ super-nice big houses and such? Call me, Generous Bosses!
This… ugh.
This is in some ways the author coming closest to her bygone glory days. Some ways, but still more ways to go.
The plot of this story is basically the heroine being a dumbass and needing to learn the obvious.
Modern, independent business women cannot stand competition, y’all. So brave and stunning!
Have you come across a book that makes you go, “What’s the point?”
I didn’t know Amish women are so child-like! What are these poor creatures going to do without a man in their lives?