Pipe Screams & Within the Walls of Madness (2021)
It’s going to end soon. It’s going to end soon.
It’s going to end soon. It’s going to end soon.
Neill Blomkamp’s triumphant return is a terrific sleeping aid. Even the jump scares fail to keep one awake.
The second segment is easily the worst things I’ve seen so far on this show. Can this show get any worse?
Body horror financed entirely in Russian currency, for better or worse. Mostly worse.
Crazy inn lady and crazy bug man in an episode that only gets worse with each passing minute.
This is why you don’t buy spider eggs to show off in your house.
Season two starts off with a resounding meh. How promising.
Crap movie, but oh my oh, that magical rear end on display. Now that’s what I call a legacy!
Wait, what by the wolf?
Ooh, another American going to Europe to find a hot local to shag. Oh, with some lame horror stuff thrown in.