Not This Christmas by Maddie James
Newsflash: psycho female drivers make the best romance heroines!
Newsflash: psycho female drivers make the best romance heroines!
Someone buried the franchise in the pet cemetery and this thing is the result.
We already have The Exorcist at home, dear.
All of the nonsense here could be avoided if the lead character had just started a TikTok account.
How nice, here’s yet another AI-lady gone cray cray trope in action.
Yay, the mediocre crap horror show is back!
Gotta love a town with kids that make sure that no single person is left un-laid for Christmas.
Do we really need to have the heroine embarrass herself this much just to have a big peen in her life?
It pokes you and turns you into a monster that no one can really see clearly. Lame.
Okay, so there’s a pretty hot naked guy here, but the most part, bite me.