The Acolyte (2024)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on July 18, 2024 in 1 Oogie, Idiot Box Reviews, Series: The Acolyte

The Acolyte (2024) - The Acolyte Season 1Main cast: Amandla Stenberg (Osha Aniseya, Mae Aniseya), Lee Jung-jae (Master Sol), Manny Jacinto (Qimir), Rebecca Henderson (Vernestra Rwoh), David Harewood (Senator Rayencourt), and Harry Trevaldwyn (Mog Adana)
Director: Hanelle M Culpepper

oogie 1

Here’s a glass to the ending of this embarrassing travesty that is The Acolyte. God, the whole thing had been increasingly painful to sit through the more the season progresses, because the show is put together by people that have no clue what they are doing at all.

The Acolyte, the finale that is, ends the whole thing with the equivalent a wet flatulence instead of a bang, and it drives home the fact that the people that put this show together have no concern for the Star Wars lore, much less respect or even a smidgen of affection.

Still, that’s nothing new, as the disrespect of the lore has been evident ever since Rian Johnson was brought in to “deconstruct” things, and I’ve said before, I’m not against the whole subverting everything nonsense that these people love to do. I’m against it when it’s done badly, and this show is nothing but a showcase of incompetence. 

I correctly guessed ages ago at the “dramatic plot development” that happens here, but my goodness, the character in question jumps from dumb no-personality moo cow to dumb ooh-evil-now moo cow without any proper or convincing character development. That character comes off as psychotic, actually, but it could also be because Amandla Stenberg has no range at all in this show.

I know, I’ve said it so many times already. Miss Thing here may be busy making callout videos to her haters or whatever, but she isn’t even a smidgen of the thing that she thinks she is. Because of this and because of how badly the show is written in general, Mae and Osha are just boring, forgettable moving images on the screen.

Think about it: do these two boring, whiny, wildly emotional, and outright psychopathic wretches do anything of note on this show? No, nothing!

Instead, the entire show is an excuse to let them throw tantrums and act like petulant narcissists, perhaps an extension of the temperament and personalities of the diversity hires brought on to this show. I mean, look at how they behave on social media and in interviews. My assumption checks out.

Weirdly, this show expects me to view this psychotic character, and the psychotic woo-woo lesbian witches in general, as the good guys while the males on the show are mean and evil, except for Qimir because he’s going to be Osha’s trophy for being the most awesome girlboss ever.

However, that’s not what was showed to me in past episodes.

Mother Aniseya was a psychotic clown that accelerated violence, and Master Indara didn’t care that the woo-woo lesbian witches practically brainwashed one of the male Padawans into violence. Yet, somehow, the most sympathetic character here is the villain, clumsily shoehorned to be pure evil in this episode, and gets killed off because… he dares to cross the psychotic women on this show? 

Let me just say the message intended by the diversity clowns that put this show together does not come off well on this show. If anything, it makes me wonder why the psychotic women on this show act so much like these pronoun peeve-heads on X with such eerie precision. The overly emotional “I’ll kill you for daring to deny me anything!” whackjobs on this show are not their self-inserts, are they?

As for the rest of the episode, it’s business as usual: terrible dialogues, dumb plot contrivances such as everyone bending over backward to do stupid things so that the Moo Moo twins can play at being heroines on the easiest difficulty level, and characters that do things for plot rather than organically.

Sigh. I’ve said it before: there is a good premise in The Acolyte. Yet, to do this premise justice, the diversity clowns making this show need to understand and execute subtlety. For the premise to work, there needs to be believable character evolution, complex characterization, effective pathos, relatable emotional conflicts, and then some.

These tasks are clearly way too complicated for these clowns, who seem capable of only writing about pronouns, make everyone queer and shallow, and rant endlessly about how much they hate men.

Anyway, the Star Wars equivalent of the clownshow She-Hulk: Attorney at Law is over, and it’s very likely now that Kathleen Kennedy has finally achieved her endgame. She’s killed this franchise just like she’s killed every other Lucasfilm franchise. Er… bravo?

Mrs Giggles
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