Better Than by Leslie Esdaile
Can’t think of many things better than, well, this.

Can’t think of many things better than, well, this.
Mary Sue gets fondled by a hot star while they both insist that she’s not that kind of girl.
This is a reality TV show thing, which is never good as too many authors don’t seem to get the concept at all.
It’s a fun kind of selfish Cinderella story.
This is a solid three out of four, It’s definitely worth the shopping trip!
Perhaps chocolates are a better buy for Valentine’s Day.
I really want to love this book, but it has pacing and preachiness issues.
This one is whimsical and adorable. The heroine is a bit of a stick in the you-know-what, though.
This one can be so brilliant yet so cheesy at the same time. I’m vexed, but also entertained.
It is so, so, so good… until someone decided to put in some suspense stuff.