Love in Catalina Cove by Brenda Jackson
This is in some ways the author coming closest to her bygone glory days. Some ways, but still more ways to go.

This is in some ways the author coming closest to her bygone glory days. Some ways, but still more ways to go.
One of the swan songs of the Kimani line, and it has to be this messy gibberish. Of course.
This is the author’s better book in a long time, and it is also most lacking in romance. Coincidence? Hmm.
It looks like Brenda Jackson wants to show the world that awful writing can rake in the big bucks too.
Oh no, the heroine is in danger but heaven forbids that she lets the hero make sure she is safe!
Why does the author keep doing this to me? What did I do to deserve all this agony?
This one is possessed alright, but by horrifying levels of crappiness rather than passion.
If you are looking for an offensively foul and dumb hero, it’s your lucky day. Bonus: the rest of the book is just as crappy.
The only thing remarkable about this story is the ease the heroine forgives the hero for some of the worst crap ever.
Trashy, dumb, but boring. It’s the boring part that is the sin here.