Growing Pains (1994)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on August 10, 2024 in 3 Oogies, Idiot Box Reviews, Series: Tales from the Cryptkeeper

Growing Pains (1994) - Tales from the Cryptkeeper Season 2Main cast: Michael Barry (Wendall), Tara Meyer (Rose), Rob Stefaniuk (Chet), Andrew Sabiston (Louis), Bob Dermer (Rose’s Dad), Joyce Gordon (Aunt Fern), Paulina Gillis (Rose’s Mom), Kay Tremblay (Mrs Katz), Elizabeth Hanna (The Old Witch), and John Kassir (The Crypt Keeper)
Director: Laura Shepherd

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Sigh, Tales from the Cryptkeeper has come to the point where the bookend scenes with The Crypt Keeper and his buddies are the high points of each episode.

Still, Growing Pains is not terrible, fortunately, but it’s also a by the number episode that gives away its twist in the title card. Kids don’t need suspense, after all!

This one is a bog-standard story of a nerd, Wendell, falling for the new geek girl in school, Rose, even as he’s bullied by Chet and Louis. Seriously, Chet and Louise look just like every other bully in this cartoon series, I am pretty sure the art department folks are just recycling their assets at this point. 

Rose’s family is weird, well weird to people that haven’t spotted the title card, that is.

This episode isn’t remarkable by any means, but at least the voice acting is decent this time, and there are no annoying shrill voices. The art is still mediocre, but that’s to be expected of this show by now.

All in all, this a very standard episode that uses a plot that has been done so many times in kiddie horror stories in various media. Its greatest virtue is that it doesn’t make me roll up my eyes too often so… yay, I guess.

Mrs Giggles
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