Shiloh Walker, $3.99
Contemporary Romance, 2017
When I see a story with a title like F*ck Club: Riley, I’m led to expect a story that puts the ho in hot. The hero Riley Steele – his real name, apparently, believe it or not – is a male prostitute and the opening scene of him and a client delivers. I sit back to enjoy a happy, sleazy story…
… Only to have the fun sleaze stops the moment our heroine Brianna Sharp shows up in the story all battered up and needing protection from evil, abusive rapists with complimentary sexual healing to boot. Naturally, Riley has always loved her and he puffs up into his manly man protector mode for the rest of the story. Bree wails, acts wounded, and generally plays the role of the damsel in distress while paying some lip service about how she’s finally found the strength to stop being a victim. I sigh again as the sexy times stop coming, to be replaced by more standard wounded gazelle and manly protector moments.
Where are my orgies? My hot meat train to heaven? What, no threesome, foursome, fivesome? Sadly, the hero could have been any standard cop, sheriff, lawyer, whatever, and Bree’s wounded gazelle tale would still be pretty much the same. Well, good for her to get for free what other women pay her man for, but me, it’s like I’ve swiped right and agreed to meet this cute guy only to realize that he’s doctored all his pee-pee pics, and his idea of six foot nine is more like four foot three.
It’s alright, this one is well-written enough to be a pleasant diversion, but it’s not the kind of diversion I’m hoping to get from a story with F*ck Club on the cover.