My Valentine (2020)
This is one long boring music video with not enough music.

This is one long boring music video with not enough music.
This is the naked-male-butt-est, hint-of-dong-est, male pubic hair-est episode ever.
Today’s episode is brought to you by the good people of scenery chewing dot com.
Thanksgiving parties of the good old days sure are frightening!
Evil girl boss wants snu-snu time with hot hunk employee.
More evidence that this show is the producer’s dumping ground to get rid of its unsold crap movies.
Want to overthrow patriarchy? Ask a demon for help!
It doesn’t know whether it wants to be The Breakfast Club or a generic high school slasher.
When the butt encased in jeans is hotter than the naked butt.
The third season finally ends and… well, I guess that’s a wrap.