Blade the Iron Cross (2020)
Wait, who dug this franchise out from its grave for one last flogging?
Wait, who dug this franchise out from its grave for one last flogging?
These folks really need a better cast to do the script justice.
Typical character here: I’ll keeping walking in this dark hallway and count the number of jump scares before I get killed…
White people suck, white cops must die… these people recall that this is supposed to be a horror film, right?
The devil is the biggest troll. Don’t need to watch this thing to know that.
Oh, the cringe, the cringe, and the edgy paper cuts it inflicts on my heart.
Not much scares, just plenty of enjoyable poking fun at common horror tropes.
Nothing’s stirring on my end, I’m afraid.
Come watch as Thomas Jane buries the last of his dignity in the graveyard of his career.
Not exactly diarrhea-causing material, but it’s still tad hard to go down.