Joy Ride (2001)
This one is too ridiculous at many instances, but oh my, naked hot guys alert!
This one is too ridiculous at many instances, but oh my, naked hot guys alert!
This is a ho hum and predictable movie.
Eeeuw, John Travolta is back.
This movie is a mess, but I quite like it nonetheless for the… scenery.
It started out so good until the late third. The director can go Fuqua himself.
If only this one dares to be more daring, it’d have been something to remember.
Real people killing one another for a TV show. Now, where have I seen that before?
It quite falls apart towards the end, but this one is a solid, watchable thriller all things considered.
The shiniest thing here is Michael Douglas’s new facelift.
Just how is Larry Clark still with a career?