Chocolat (2000)
Trite and predictable, this one is more of a cheap deal than gourmet.
Trite and predictable, this one is more of a cheap deal than gourmet.
No matter how I try to dissect it, this movie is a middle finger to feminism.
This non-stop barrel of fun is one of the best Disney cartoons ever. Truth!
Dude… just no, dude.
I wish they have stolen this movie for Christmas.
Edward Norton’s directorial debut is as forgettable as he tends to be most of the time.
Even the cute puppies can’t save this banal cash-in of a sequel.
This formulaic romantic comedy has its charms. but not much else to make it stand out from the crowd.
Teenagers can be so silly sometimes, and their story isn’t interesting enough to warrant a movie.
This supposedly feminist romantic comedy won’t happen if the heroine didn’t look like Penélope Cruz. So much for that, then.