The Pseudopod That Rocks the Cradle by Tim Mendees
Best title ever?
Best title ever?
Don’t let the cover fool you, as this is more of a psychological tale than a killer bug romp.
Here be disappointment, because it’s over before I can feel a thing.
31 perfectly competent stories… that I can’t recall a thing about some 10 minutes after reading them.
Nothing here is going to be exciting enough to rouse Cthulhu out from the seas, but it’s okay in its own right.
The author is more focused on showing off how many long sentences one can cram into a short story, than to actually tell a story.
Clive Barker reveals that he may be great at horror, but he’s pretty crap at erotica.
Can horror and romance co-exist? I’d like to believe so, despite the existence of this thing.
I am clearly not smart enough to appreciate pages after pages of arty moaning about not being able to get laid.
You know what they say about sequels…