A Handful of Manhood by Gaby Hauptmann
Oh god, women fighting over a 60-year old man who is impotent and experiencing midlife crisis.
Oh god, women fighting over a 60-year old man who is impotent and experiencing midlife crisis.
The heroines are still boring.
Boring heroines are in, sigh.
Irish superiority… is that even such a thing these days?
Hot hero, annoying big miscommunication issues.
This one is already skating on thin ice when it comes to dull, perfect characters.
The Amazon! Well, there’s not much fun here when Jesus clearly disapproves of naughty shenanigans.
Oh god, is this what they call comedy these days? It almost killed me!
For a plotless, padded thing, this one is actually not too bad.
Toss in real life issues, and then toss in Hallmark sap, and I’m torn between liking it and cringing.