Road to Hell (2008)
A sequel to Streets of Fire? More like the road to hell indeed.

A sequel to Streets of Fire? More like the road to hell indeed.
A dull, brainless gorefest where the characters are dumber than the script.
A cinematic disaster that’s neither shark nor attack, just dead in the water.
A fowl play in more ways than one.
Yes, it has fallen and it sure can’t get up.
Survival of the fittest meets survival of the witless. Brrr-illiant!
Overhyped garbage.
Here is where behind-the-scenes drama outshines on-screen horror: a franchise’s death knell.
Barred from the project, Clive Barker’s vision is replaced by untalented hacks looking to cash in.
Incoherent plot and annoying characters make this one a real shaft in the brain.