About Us

Who’s the Boss? (Not You!)

This site is owned by HOT SAUCE REVIEWS. Original writings belong to us, and they can’t and shouldn’t be reproduced on websites or dead tree material without you asking us first. 

Mission Statement

This website is created to indulge our own sense of self-importance. We don’t want to educate anyone or change anyone’s mind. It will be nice if you wish to adore us and worship our opinions, but that’s not really necessary. We’re not journalists, literature gurus, or authors. We don’t have any horse in any race where publishers and bloggers are concerned.

The content of this website is strictly of our own opinion. Whether you choose to agree or disagree is entirely your prerogative. We are not responsible for any weight gain, bad choices, break-ups, breakdowns, or any other things that may or may not arise from your visit. We are, however, happy to take credit for the awesome things that happen to you.

We reserve the right to update this site whenever our schedule permits.

Fully Independent!

We also don’t have any intentions to monetize the site by selling ads and such, and we certainly don’t care whether we are invited to the parties of the cool kids. Heaven knows, we pay out of our pockets for almost everything that gets reviewed here. Very occasionally, we get a free copy of a book to review, but that usually stops after the first review is posted. Hmm, wonder why.

We’ve Never Disagreed with Anything We’ve Said

Our opinions are 100% correct as far as we’re concerned because, strangely enough, we’ve never disagreed with a thing we’ve said. If you disagree with anything, you can let us know, but we can’t promise we’d care. If you don’t like our tone, tough. Go eat a cookie and find another place online that’s more to your liking.

Wholly Run by Subject Experts!

Are we qualified to be reviewers? Well, we pay for this space, and we spend a lot of time maintaining this baby, which has been in existence since 1999 as a wholly independent website, so yeah, it’s our playground, so of course we are 100% qualified to use it to say whatever we want.