Underground (1998)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on October 23, 2020 in 3 Oogies, Idiot Box Reviews, Series: Ghost Stories

Underground (1998)

Main cast: Trevor David (Jake), Tim Gonyon, Edward Lewin, and Rip Torn (Narrator)
Director: Greg Francis

Will Dunn used to be a hotshot fellow, closing huge business deals and driving fancy cars. His life took a wrong turn a while back, though, and when the episode opens, he is about to spend his first day at his new work: night shift at a subterranean car park. Since he is the new guy, he will have to man the station all along, of course. However, he is assured that nothing will happen in a car park during the late hours.

Well, until he starts seeing a car exactly like his old one basically stalking him despite having no one behind the wheel. What seems like a ghost of a young girl soon joins the party, and even the other cars start going Carrie on him. What is going on here?

Underground is another episode that is pretty straightforward, and it’s very easy to correctly deduce why Will is being haunted by the girl. Still, the bulk of the episode sees that fellow running around and shrieking in circles, no doubt to fill up the airtime because the folks behind this episode has no idea what else to put in.

The actor playing Will is actually pretty good, as he reacts believably and shows credible amounts of fear and confusion throughout the entire episode. I also like that this character isn’t entirely good or evil; the poor fellow has done something really bad in his life, and since then, he has been eaten up from the inside by his own guilt and self-loathing. This character is unexpectedly relatable and even sympathetic at times.

It’s just a shame that the episode itself doesn’t have much going for it—it’s just a half-baked effort to pull a weekend in Carrie-land, although perhaps because of budget reasons, these people gave up halfway and just had the lead actor run around like a headless chicken instead.

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