Under Dragon’s Wing by John Kendall

Posted by Mrs Giggles on February 3, 2012 in 2 Oogies, Gamebook Reviews, Series: Endless Quest

Under Dragon's Wing by John Kendall

TSR, $2.25, ISBN 0-88038-076-4
Fantasy, 1984


Poor you. As Prince Treon of Grendopolan, you are banished by your parents to the charmingly-named Trigedium, described by you as a “backwoods village”, after you, uh, created an accident in your training to be a full-fledged wizard. Your only companion is your elven tutor, Rynath, because your parents need all the soldiers they can get.

You see, an evil wizard, Rampillion the Crimson Wizard, is planning to invade your country. He has created an army of “magical lava warriors” to attack the capital city while his more mundane troops attack from the south. At any rate, you are not content to be shuffled away like this – you want to do something to save your country! Luckily for you, a trip to the magic store offers you two possible options for your grand rescue: a magic ring and a spell book. What would it be?

As you can probably tell from the title of this gamebook, dragons play a big part in this campaign. Your grand plan involves summoning a dragon to defeat Rampillion’s forces, to be more specific. At any rate, this one is a very easy campaign, making it very evident that this gamebook is geared towards very young kids. Flicking pages while following choices randomly easily nets you several great endings, and the bad endings crop up only when you deliberately pick morally wrong options.

The very basic story means that Under Dragon’s Wing doesn’t have much to cater to older players with more sophisticated expectations. Also, it seems a bit too easy to defeat Rampillion, as there are several ways to achieve this without having to think too hard. At any rate, this one is better off in the hands of collectors or very young kids. Other folks would most likely find this one tad too basic for anything more than a superficial playthrough. At any rate, if I were ten, I might have loved this one better. For now, two oogies seem like a fair score.

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