True Love by Brenda Jackson

Posted by Mrs Giggles on October 1, 2000 in 4 Oogies, Book Reviews, Genre: Contemporary

True Love by Brenda Jackson

Arabesque, $5.99, ISBN 1-58314-144-8
Contemporary Romance, 2000


Brenda Jackson makes it hard for me, a novice to her books, to follow the epic saga of her related books. I find myself halfway through going. “Who the hell is this guy? Who the hell is that guy? Dude, who the hell are you, man?”

Still, True Love is very good stuff, and yes, the potential big misunderstanding that builds up throughout the story gets solved in a nice, rational (if somewhat noisy) manner. It’s a revenge story. Shayla Kirkland wants Chenault Electronics razed to the ground, but since arson is so unladylike, she’ll get inside and play industrial Mata Hari instead. What she doesn’t count on is the sultry mojo of our hero Glenn Kirkland. Can she do it? Can he do her? What do you think?

A lot of things happen in this story. There’s an angry woman who wants the boss of Chenault Electronics to suffer. There’re many cameos from past characters (“Who the hell are you?”) and (I think) future characters. But if I do concentrate on Shayla and Glenn, I will find a nice, well-written relationship about two people who just don’t know whether to go all “Heck, screw everything, let’s take off our clothes!” or be boring and play by the rules.

I like Shayla, even when she comes close to being unrealistically perfect at times, and Glenn, although sometimes coming close to flatness, is also very likable. Despite all the mistrust and the potential blow-up that can occur thanks to Shayla’s deception, they settle matters between them like two nice adults. It makes me believe that these two have a hope at a happily-ever-after after all.

My only dissatisfaction is that Thomas Jordache, who treats a woman unforgivably stupidly and harshly in his past, is let off pretty easily. I want him spiked on a toothpick and barbecued to crispness, but I don’t know, maybe another day? Still, I’m quite miffed. Down with all these stupid pigheaded twits who see women in black-and-white Madonna/Whore complexes!

Anyway, while this book is an above average read, I wish someone would’ve thought of creating a nice character list before page 1. Or maybe a family tree? A footnote whenever a new character arrives? Might cut down on the “Who the hell are you?” moments on my part.

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