No Accounting for Chase by Sara Dennis

Posted by Mrs Giggles on August 23, 2007 in 2 Oogies, Book Reviews, Genre: Crime & Suspense

No Accounting for Chase by Sara Dennis

Cerridwen Press, $5.95, ISBN 978-1-4199-1026-5
Romantic Suspense, 2007


Amanda St Claire comes close to tears during her seventh stint as a bridesmaid… no, not because she’s a serial bridesmaid but never the bride, but because she believes for a moment that Chase Tremaine, the bride’s brother, is not going to show up at the wedding. That’s how bad this poor dear is when it comes to that man. She’s been like this with her tongue all but hanging out for Chase for twelve years, mind you. If she is a dog, I’d say we do her a favor and put her down.

Chase on the other hand has his hands full with dead bodies piling up and some homicidal nutcase on the loose. He has raised his sister pretty much single-handedly since their parents were killed, so I suppose he is a natural when it comes of babysitting Amanda as she trips, giggles, and pouts. When Chase’s enemy becomes Amanda’s, he has to protect her and somehow love springs from all of this.

No Accounting for Chase shows a vast discrepancy in the characterization of the hero and the heroine. The hero has a life, responsibilities, and he will probably go on to do his own thing should Amanda somehow encounters a fatal accident with a shopping bag one of these days. Amanda, on the other hand, has no life or discernible personality apart from an unhealthy obsession over Chase. Even when her life is in danger, she’s still thinking about Chase. Girlfriend here has no sense of priorities.

The heroine is such a one-dimensional bore that I really must say, there is indeed no accounting for taste when Chase actually finds this tedious wretch adorable enough to marry. Oh well, Sara Dennis has written better stories than this one and she will write better ones in the future as well. I’ll try my best to pretend that this one doesn’t exist.

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