I Follow the Moon by Malukah

Posted by Mrs Giggles on November 30, 2019 in 4 Oogies, Music Reviews, Type: Pop

I Follow the Moon by Malukah

Pop, 2019

Malukah is more well-known as that YouTube lady who covers songs, especially tunes from fantasy video games, and oh look, she has put out an album of original compositions. How is I Follow the Moon? Well, it’s easy listening adult contemporary music, for the most part, in the vein of her previous songs, minus of course the more overt fantastical new age elements of those songs she covered in the past. Still, it’s that same soothing voice, the gentle musical arrangements, and the overall happy, lazy sunny afternoon kind of mood.

Songs like Bringing Me Down may be a culture shock to those who are more used to Malukah going all ooh-ooh Skyrim Dragon Age ooh ooh on everyone, but I personally feel that she takes to this kind of music like fish to water. For the most part, it is just her and the listener, with the gentle musical arrangement in the background creating an intimate ambiance akin to being in a pub and enjoying a quiet performance from the act taking the stage. The most dramatic tracks are the title track, which a chorus that is more forceful than most, and In the Darkness, which is a track that resembles the most some credit anthem from a fantasy video game.

If there is any complaint I have, is that the words for the songs can be on a cheesy side. This dear loves to keep her stories simple and uplifting, so there is quite a lot of following and seeing into hearts and other sweet muzak sentiments here. Still, Malukah’s voice works like magic as always, and songs such as You Make It Easy and Safe Asleep are just right as gentle lullaby-like songs to soothe raw nerves and calm the mind.

All in all, I Follow the Moon may not be the most exciting album, but that’s actually a good thing. This is the equivalent of comfort food or aromatherapy – it’s something that would work its magic as intended when one needs some peace or is looking for something to lift the spirits.

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