Hell’s Angel by Jackie Kessler

Posted by Mrs Giggles on February 27, 2010 in 4 Oogies, Book Reviews, Genre: Fantasy & Sci-fi

Hell's Angel by Jackie Kessler
Hell’s Angel by Jackie Kessler

All Romance eBooks, $1.99
Fantasy, 2010

Hell’s Angel is a short story that is part of the author’s Hell on Earth series. If you want the lowdown on the series, feel free to read the review of the first book in the series, Hell’s Belles. This one isn’t about Jezebel the succubus, though, it’s about an unnamed angel who, forced by the recent bureaucratic upheavals in Hell, finds herself forced to play the role of succubus. As you can imagine, it can be really awkward to get used to her new vocation, much less adopt the verve and skanky awesome attitude needed to pull off the whole gig of seducing worthless males.

I can easily imagine some people crossing themselves after reading this story, due to the identity of the Angel’s lover in this story. There are also some issues raised about choices and how much the past shapes the present, the more presence of these issues suggesting that, perhaps, contrary to what the Good Book says, some prominent players in that particular setting may not be so infallible after all.

Of course, when it comes to me, I find myself impressed with how the author manages, in such a short story, to create something so beautifully sacrilegous like this, heh. I especially like how the angel, cut off from heaven, finds from a most unexpected source someone who understands completely her sense of loss and disconnection.

If you feel guilty about reading a story where someone as pure as an angel is forced to play a succubus, don’t worry, because proceeds of the sales of this story go to the American Heart Association. So soothe your guilty conscience and help make the world a better place today. Me, I have a great time reading this story. It’s short, but I end up feeling that it’s worth the money and time spent on this story. And that’s not a common reaction of mine to short stories, mind you.

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