Heartsick (1998)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on October 21, 2020 in 2 Oogies, Idiot Box Reviews, Series: Ghost Stories

Heartsick (1998)

Main cast: Juliette Dunn (Cheryl Bruther), Jonathan McQuade (Michael), Judith Stambler (Natalie), and Rip Torn (Narrator)
Director: Jeffrey Fine

Cheryl Bruther’s day has only become worse when she realizes that, somehow, she has boarded the wrong train while making her way to her medical appointment. She recently had a heart transplant, and now the poor dear is hearing a voice in her head that is telling her to somehow talk to a fellow passenger, Michael, and thwart Michael’s attempt to marry Natalie in two days. Oh, to be more blunt, the voice is manipulating Cheryl to ensure that Natalie will never survive this train ride. Why?

Poor Juliette Dunn. She’s the only one remotely deserving of being called an actor in this episode. The two people playing Michael and Natalie are so wooden, it is nearly impossible to care as to whether they stay alive to get married or not. Why is that voice in Cheryl’s head so obsessed with a walking mannequin like that fellow anyway? He’s not even that hot!

Even then, Ms Dunn is stuck in an episode that is made up almost entirely of people stupidly lurching from one end of the train to other. Cheryl will see Michael and say, oh, she has finally found him. He will then ask what she wants, and she will say she has no idea because lurching off again. Have these people repeat such pointless exchanges over and over and you have the bulk of this episode.

It is only towards the end when something finally happens, and even then, the whole episode feels just like a cruel cosmic joke on Cheryl. Really, the sweet dear doesn’t deserve any of the crap that befalls her, and it’s doubly more exasperating that the ones that should be held accountable never have to pay the piper.

So, in a way, Heartsick is an oddity in Ghost Stories. The lead does enough to considerably elevate the material she is forced into, but the whole episode still remains a big blah of a whatever.

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