Fireworks for Four by Kristi Hancock

Posted by Mrs Giggles on November 2, 2015 in 2 Oogies, Book Reviews, Genre: Contemporary

Fireworks for Four by Kristi Hancock
Fireworks for Four by Kristi Hancock

Liquid Silver Books, $4.99, ISBN 978-1-62210-243-3
Contemporary Romance, 2015


Three guys, one woman… well, if you are hoping for some steamy musical chair fun, brace yourselves: the author spends half of Fireworks for Four setting up the story and having people just talk and think, and the whole thing is over before the party has really heated up. Oh dear, have I spoiled the story for you? It’s like having a girlfriend to point out which guy suffers from premature take-off, which one cries and calls out for his mother during the pinnacle moment in bed… that kind of thing. It’s all for your own good.

Maybe the author is influenced by Maya Banks, but she makes her heroine Caroline Holder a nude model who – the story is very clear on this – is doing her thing because she needs to make rent. I don’t know why the author does this. Apparently posing nude for money may be objectionable to some readers? Then again, this is a story where she plays the one of the beef patties in a triple decker sandwich, so I don’t know what to say to any reader who would find a nude modeling career objectionable but sleeping with three men is okay. At any rate, she catches the eye of billionaire Craig Bishop, who is willing to share her with his two friends if it means getting to have her… and dominate her. Yes, this is another story where some guy will just look at a woman and go, “Hey, I’m a Dom now… this means my book will sell millions of copies, right?” and I will roll up my eyes and think, “Sure you are, sweetheart, now go take out the trash before I clobber your ass.”

The fact that the heroine is dead broke will always make me wonder whether she has any say in the matter – which can cast a pall over the happy moments in the story. Oh, and the hero has a girlfriend when he decides to go after Caroline, That’s nice, dear. But really, I was really hoping for something sleazy and fun, especially since we have so many guys to play with, but as I’ve said, the author spends so long having the characters babble and do anything but making whoopee, and the story ends just when things are starting to get happening.

Fireworks for Four, therefore, is more of a tease than anything else. Lower your expectations when you begin reading this one, or else you’d end up feeling that there are so many ding dongs in the room but there is no Little Tommy Stout to pull the pussy out of the well.

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