Enchant Me Not by Michele Hauf

Posted by Mrs Giggles on March 31, 2001 in 2 Oogies, Book Reviews, Genre: Historical

Enchant Me Not by Michele Hauf

Zebra, $5.99, ISBN 0-8217-6776-3
Historical Romance, 2001


Take a heroine who has no personality at all apart from (a) a tendency to be at the brink of tears whenever she remembers how nobly she gives her all to take care of her dying Maman, and (b) a cartoonish bluestocking nature that leads to this fantastic ability of hers to do anything except to be interesting and to see the obvious (she keeps believing the hero to be some gardener throughout this story – duh!)

Add in a hero who is tormented over the death of his first wife and needs someone to play nanny to his two out-of-control kids.

Can you see where this story is heading?

If you can’t, go ahead and read this story. It’s pretty readable. But the over-the-top la la land tone of the heroine’s curiosity and the everything (direly) familiar and (too) predictable about this story has me going, “One little sheep jump over the fence, two little sheep jump over the fence, three little sheep jump over the fence… zzzzzzz…”

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