Back to the Bedroom by Janet Evanovich

Posted by Mrs Giggles on March 29, 2003 in 4 Oogies, Book Reviews, Genre: Contemporary

Back to the Bedroom by Janet Evanovich

Harper, $7.50, ISBN 0-06-059885-9
Contemporary Romance, 1989 (Reissue)


Katherine Finn just reeks of posh-dom. She is a world-class violinist who looks gorgeous. She is also David Dodd’s next door neighbor. David, of course, wouldn’t be living in the posh neighborhood if he hadn’t won one million dollars in the lottery. Worse, his house is a veritable toy land, and he doesn’t seem to have a job. Kate + Dave = no way Jose.

But never fear, a push towards matrimony comes when a helicopter drops something heavy right through Kate’s bedroom roof, crashing her bed in the process. Guess who offers a place for our heroine to sleep. But can Ms Posh and Mr Happy-go-lucky find a middle ground? Add in zany undercover cops using Dave’s house to spy on some drug dealers, and Aunt Elsie dropping by to rent a room in Kate’s place, and everyone goes home laughing.

Well, Back to the Bedroom is one of the better Loveswept books by this author – fun, zany, and who can resist Dave? Aunt Elsie’s love life (if you can call it that) is always a hoot, and the cops? Hilarious. The romance isn’t too bad too. A bit light on characterization, but it’s still fun.

All in all, a nice summer read.

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