A Question of Trust by Jess Dee

Posted by Mrs Giggles on September 9, 2008 in 3 Oogies, Book Reviews, Genre: Contemporary

A Question of Trust by Jess Dee
A Question of Trust by Jess Dee

Samhain Publishing, $3.50, ISBN 1-60504-250-1
Contemporary Romance, 2008


A Question of Trust is part of the Ménage & More series so as usual, expect two men and one woman. In this one, we have Madeline Jones who believes that she is in love with Gabriel Carter, only at the same time she is also attracted to his best friend Connor Regan. Since it is not cheating if Maddie decides to have both men, hey, why not go for it, eh? Especially when Gabe has given Connor his blessings to pursue his girlfriend for what is supposed to be a pleasurable threesome with nothing more to complicate things. Alas, Maddie finds herself increasingly becoming really attracted to Connor, which indeed complicates things.

The story may feature three in the bed, but the path to the happy ending is one that is not what you may expect, heh. I have my doubts about the threesome aspect of the story since Maddie doesn’t know what she wants and the two men pretty much tell her that the two of them pawing at her is what she actually wants deep inside. I don’t know, there is something about how she doesn’t have much say about how she’s going to be the men’s party piñata that makes me feel momentarily uneasy.

Still, the author attempts to give her characters some personality and depths here and she succeeds pretty well for a story of this length. The conclusion is tidy and neat, probably too tidy, but this is most likely for the best given the length of the story. I don’t have any problems with the characters here, but I have a feeling that some readers may find Connor and Maddie too much of a cheating couple even if they do happen to share the same bed with Gabe for the reader’s titillation if nothing else. Just be aware that you may not like the main characters too much, heh, when you read this one.

A part of me feels strongly that this story could have actually become more well-developed and memorable if the author has scratched out the threesome sex scene and use that space to sort out the characters’ feelings more, but I suppose at the end of the day economics must prevail and we have to let the readers get their warm fuzzies. Oh well. This is a pretty good short story, despite that.

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