The Star Crystal by Ron Martinez

Posted by Mrs Giggles on February 3, 2009 in 4 Oogies, Gamebook Reviews, Series: Be an Interplanetary Spy

The Star Crystal by Ron Martinez

Bantam Books, $2.25, ISBN 0-553-23942-2
Sci-fi, 1984


Work never stops for a hotshot Interplanetary Spy of the Interplanetary Spy Center and indeed, this time around you must escort the interplanetary diplomat Quarbross Tro as he travels from Teledar to the Galactics Art Council headquarters in Mirado. In Tro’s possession is the one and only Star Crystal, a prize that will be given up to the most deserving artist. Of course, there are some people who seek to steal the Crystal from Tro. Surely they are no match for you though!

The Star Crystal is a whodunit mystery, and it’s a pretty interesting one to solve. The puzzles are easy to figure out, but the storytelling element is strong enough to keep things intriguing. There are some twists in the plot that, while are not too surprising, only add to the fun. Not to mention, some of the aliens you will encounter are just too adorable for words.

Come to think of it, this one could actually be the best gamebook in the series so far. It’s really that entertaining!

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