Stolen Earth by Loribelle Hunt

Posted by Mrs Giggles on May 25, 2009 in 3 Oogies, Book Reviews, Genre: Fantasy & Sci-fi

Stolen Earth by Loribelle Hunt
Stolen Earth by Loribelle Hunt

Liquid Silver Books, $4.50, ISBN 978-1-59578-532-9
Sci-fi Romance, 2009


Ooh, those are some really cool tattoos on the cover. Now, as for the story…

Stolen Earth is the third book in the Delroi Connection series, and I have not read the first book. If I feel as if I was dropped right into the middle of a story, I can only imagine how someone completely unfamiliar with the series will feel.

When the story opens, I meet Britt Anderson who takes part in a rescue mission in a place called Saber City. Her mission is to rescue Barak, a spymaster, who is held prisoner in there. Barak has done that mind woo-woo thing that is passed for love or something like that, so that’s pretty much it for love. So, after Britt finds Barak, their mind woo-woo is so overpowering that Britt decides to submit to and take orders from an injured man on what they must do next and where they will go to do whatever it is Barak wants them to do. You know how it is with guys in these stories. They are so macho and sexy that way, snort.

And then, once they are safe, it’s time for some superficial chatter before we get down to the main performance of the day: alien hot sex, woo-hoo. And woo-hoo indeed, as there are floggers involved. Hmm, since this story takes place on a distant planet, I’d think Ms Hunt would at least come up with a more inventive kind of flogger, like one that discharges electricity or something to add some spark into the jolly ordeal.

This is not a bad read by any means, provided that the reader is willing to accept that the mind woo-woo thing is an adequate explanation for our lovebirds’ belonging together for the happily ever after. In other words, the author has sex, some chatter to serve as refractory period for our main characters, and a happily ever after all lined up and presented appropriately in this story, but romance is not present in this story in an amount that I find satisfactory.

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