Only Trust Your Heart by Tess Delacour

Posted by Mrs Giggles on October 4, 2015 in 1 Oogie, Book Reviews, Genre: Contemporary

Only Trust Your Heart by Tess Delacour
Only Trust Your Heart by Tess Delacour

Liquid Silver Books, $4.99, ISBN 978-1-62210-239-6
Contemporary Romance, 2015


Tess Delacour doesn’t seem like a teenager when I take a look at the photo on her website, so I can only guess that maybe she is aiming Only Trust Your Heart at readers of around that age. That will explain why the heroine Megan Murphy’s internal monologues are peppered with “Eek! Ugh! Wow! Whatever! Oh, jeez! Jeezaloo!” Fortunately, she doesn’t use all of them at the same time. Unfortunately, I’ve only touched the tip of the iceberg – there are quite a few more. Jeezaloo – my goodness, that’s like a cat lady who watches way too many Everybody Loves Raymond episodes trying to sound all hip and trendy.

Megan is a doctor who has always been in love with her brother’s best friend Detective Zachary Jones. He has commitment issues, his mother is a bitch, and more – so I guess the author must be really angling for a challenge of a lifetime when she decides to pair a detective with an ER doctor. Maybe that makes sense – they will see so little of one another, they may never get to start hating after the honeymoon is over and the magic is gone. That, or she’d smuggle prescription drugs to him to keep him happy.

Despite his commitment and family issues, Zach has plenty of scintillating conversations with Megan.

She tilted her head toward the stereo. “You like Diana Krall?”
“I love all jazz. Since you have every Diana Krall CD ever made, I figured she was your favorite, hence my choice.” He stared at her and she returned his gaze. With eyes locked on each other the sensual tones of the music enveloped them both, weaving a spell. Jazz music reminded him of great sex; perhaps that’s why he was partial to it.
She broke the eye contact and walked to the fridge. “I need a DDP. What can I get you?”
“Diet Dr. Pepper, my drink of choice. I have beer, water, and Coke, too.”
“I’ll take a water, please. Do you play an instrument? I know your family is musical.”
“I play piano. I think that’s one of the reasons I love Diana Krall. I like to pretend I’m her when I listen to the music. I miss it. The only time I get to play is at my parents’ house. Studio apartments and pianos aren’t a great combination. Someday I’ll have a baby grand.”

Can you feel the love tonight? Jeezaloo!

Be dazzled by the deep and mature emotional introspection of these characters.

This was strange. She’d given him an easy out and he’d refused the bait. He wanted to stay here? With her? Okaaaay. They were doing the friend thing, nothing more. She could handle it.

Oh, and he does the whole italicized ten-year old’s catchphrase thing too, so it’s double the fun for everyone!

There was no hurry. They’d known each other for ten years. He could be patient for a little while longer. She wasn’t a tumble in the hay kind of woman, and she deserved more.

Do guys still use phrases like “tumble in the hay” at the drop of a hat?

Don’t forget the sexy.

They were panting like two people who’d run a 10K. “Wow,” she murmured. He withdrew from her body and lifted her off the granite. A gentle tug brought her panties and pants up, and he tied the waist closed for her. His palms stroked over her bare back in a gentle caress and the nerve endings tingled from the contact. She looked in his eyes and a shifting sensation occurred in the vicinity of her heart. He gave her a soft kiss and she glanced down at his exposed length. He was getting hard again, straining up toward her.

With such lively, captivating, natural prose and conversation… okaaaay. I can’t imagine why anyone isn’t rushing out to read Only Trust Your Heart. Jeezaloo, like, wow, whatever, awesome. 

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