One on One by Cathryn Fox

Posted by Mrs Giggles on February 3, 2009 in 2 Oogies, Book Reviews, Genre: Erotica

One on One by Cathryn Fox
One on One by Cathryn Fox

Samhain Publishing, $2.50, ISBN 978-1-60504-376-0
Contemporary Erotica, 2009


You know the template we have for such stories?

Insert Random Heroine’s Name, our heroine, has been infatuated with Insert Macho-Sounding Hero’s Name, our Insert Job Stereotypically Associated with Masculinity hero, since forever. Alas, she is afraid to make a move until her friends prompt her to get a makeover and turn herself into a hot willing sex bunny willing to put out and beyond. Our hero has wanted her all this time too, but he is also afraid to make the first move because he respects their friendship too much. When our heroine puts out, he can’t believe it. After plenty of hot sex that makes up 80% of the story, they decide that they are really, really, really in love. The end.

Fill in Taylor Dalton for the heroine’s name, Christian Bain for the hero’s name, and firefighter for the job and you have One on One.

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