His Touch by Mary Lynn Baxter

Posted by Mrs Giggles on February 1, 2003 in 1 Oogie, Book Reviews, Genre: Crime & Suspense

His Touch by Mary Lynn Baxter

MIRA, $6.50, ISBN 1-55166-686-3
Romantic Suspense, 2003


Someone is sending Jessica Kincaid, the mayor of Dallas, lots of love notes in the form of obscene emails, phone-calls, and presents. So what does she do? Spend 350 pages whining about how her bodyguard is disturbing her equilibrium. Brant Harding is a former secret service guy who takes up this job only to get closer to his kid (whom his ex-wife is having custody over and is trying to keep kiddo away from that scary daddy with wild eyes). What does he do? Spend 350 pages whining, moaning, and brooding. Oh, he’s a secret service guy alright – his bodyguarding stint is so top secret I don’t see any of it in this story.

Jessica is an idiot. She may be a mayor, but it becomes clear soon enough that this woman is more of a sympathy figurehead than a genuine woman with ambitions. Her much older husband who died of being too much of a stereotype was the mayor, you know, and if he hasn’t died, our heroine who still be a “virtuous” wife content with some “feminine” job like running a florist or something. She is an idiot. I think I’ve said that before. She is the type who drives away Brant because her hormones can’t take it. Never mind that someone may kill her, it is more important that she plays 350 pages of push and pull, hot and cold games with that man. Oh, someone wants to kill her? Who cares? Wanna hear her whine about her life?

Brant, well, what can I say? He is so inept in his job that it doesn’t seem much of surprise – or a low blow – that he lost his wife to another man and his kid as well. Like Jessica, he has this perplexing inability to get over himself despite holding a responsibility that requires his one hundred percent.

There are many subplots, problems, traumas, and other miscellaneous reasons for these two to get worked up over.

His Touch doesn’t worked at all with me because the main characters that don’t go together with the plot at all. Two people who should be chained to a psychiatrist’s armchair playing at being hero and heroine in a romantic suspense? How about getting over themselves first? Rich in angst and whine but not enough cracker to spare, His Touch is one I could do without.

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