Dark Prince of Anfall by Ciar Cullen

Posted by Mrs Giggles on March 7, 2008 in 3 Oogies, Book Reviews, Genre: Fantasy & Sci-fi

Dark Prince of Anfall by Ciar Cullen

Samhain Publishing, $4.50, ISBN 1-59998-200-5
Fantasy Romance, 2008


Dark Prince of Anfall is a set in the same world as The Princes of Anfall so feel free to read the review of the previous book to get the 101 on the setting if you are new to the series. I suggest that you start with the previous book first if you are new because there are a number of references to events that took place in the previous book. Also, this book contains information that will spoil the previous book so you shouldn’t read this book first if you intend to start with the previous one

The dark prince in question, Sennsárin, has the hots for Tarana Anthlasan. It’s a long story, but Tara is now living on Earth rather than in Anfall. Tara is currently on the run from the cops after shooting a fellow in self-defense in Cancun. Her ex, you see, is very naughty cop with many deals on the sly with the people he’s supposed to nab and he’s not above hiring people to get rid of her for good so that she cannot expose his secrets. She is given a helping hand by a stranger who introduces himself as Tim Emory. If you have read the previous book, you will recognize Tim as the brother-in-law of the current King of Anfall so it is convenient that he finds Tara when she’s trying to find a way to return to Anfall.

Senn is with Tim on his trip to Cancun so when Tim shows up with Tara, the fellow is conflicted. You see, as much as he wants to make those naughty dreams of his come true, they are keeping the fact that her deranged biological father is one of the biggest evils in the land from her. How do you tell her that everything thing she knows is a lie and that her real father is the creepy monster rather than the great hero everyone admired and loved?

This one is more of an ensemble tale rather than a romance, which is why I’d suggest reading the previous book first before beginning with this one. While this is a readable story, I wish the author hasn’t made the attraction between Senn and Tara one that is predetermined by the convenient magic/destiny short cut. That makes the whole attraction feels forced and fake. There is also a pacing issue where the story takes a long time to go anywhere as Tara, Tim, and Senn seem to take forever just to get back to Anfall, which is where things finally begin to happen.

Dark Prince of Anfall would have been a much better read if the execution of the story doesn’t feel so half-baked.

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